// NAME: default
AE.Instance.tempo = 120;
AE.Instance.groove = 0.0;
function draw(c, s) {
// context, outlet, times, time per step, state
c = current Web Audio Context
o = default output node
t = array of timings for all the steps (16 steps per pattern)
l = length of one step in seconds
s = state object for keeping global state.
function pattern(c, o, t, l, s) {
var i;
var ll=t.length;
AE.DelayLine.delayTime.value = l*3;
AE.ReverbLine.mix.value = 0.5;
// your code here
for(i=0;i<ll;i++) {
// uncomment one/some of the lines below and press CTRL-Enter or CMD-Enter (on a Mac) to start playing.
// if (i % 4 == 0) AE.DrumSynth.p(o, t[i]);
// if (i % 8 == 4) AE.SnareSynth.p(o, t[i]);
// AE.AcidSynth.p(o, t[0], l, 48, {});